Wednesday, December 21, 2011



Monday, December 19, 2011






Friday, December 16, 2011


こんばんは!日本ではみんなげんきですか。ぼくはいつもいそがしいけど、にほんごがちょっとづつうまくなってきているよ。毎日じゅぎょうがよ時間 ぐらいあるので、たいへんです。だけど、とてもたのしいです。べんきょういがいは、ぼくはオーケストラでトランペットをふいています。そして、クルーでボートをこいでいます。つかれるし、たいへんだけど、とてもたのしいです。プリンストンですることが大すぎてこまります。友だちもたくさんつくっているので、休みの日にはニューヨークなどにいけます。でも、来週うちにかえるのはほんとにたのしみです。こんどのなつ休みでもまた日本にみんなにあいにいきますよ。じゃあ、また!

Friday, December 2, 2011

Pronuncation のれんしゅう

In the second Pronunciation Exercise Cycle, I think I have been successful at finding the time to practice my Japanese, through the methods I disucessed at the beginning of the cycle. I think it was especially useful listening to Japanese songs with ひらがな-subtitled lyrics, as this helped me synthesize seeing the words and hearing the spoken intonations, etc. I didn't really encounter any unexpected difficulties, and I feel like as my foundational understanding of Japanese grammatical structures improves, it has started becoming much easier to pick up and understand spoken phrases. I hope to continue improving my ability to understand Japanese spoken in even more natural settings, which I will do in the third Pronunciation Exercise cycle by listening to and watching Japanese songs and shows that speak at a faster pace.

Sunday, November 6, 2011








Briefly in English, I've set various goals for the second half of the first semester, both for Japanese class and in general academically. First, きょうかしょをまいしゅうよみます。そして、しゅくだいをはやくからはじめます。さいごに、テストのためによくべんきょうをします。



Saturday, October 29, 2011

Pronunciation Exercises- Reflection


This post is a reflection on my listening and prnuncation exercises from Cycle 1. I was fairly successful at doing my planned exercises and listening to Japanese songs every once in a while, and it was also helpful speaking to my parents in Japanese over the phone. I feel like I am gradually becoming better at speaking, and now that I am paying more attention to not substituting English words into my Japanese sentences, I think I am on track to being more fluent.

I think I did well on the oral midterm exam, since my pronunciation should be almost as good as that of a native speaker, since I have grown up hearing a lot of Japanese. However, I think I still need to work on being more grammatically accurate in conversation, especially focusing on the correct use of particles.

As for my goals for Cycle 2 of our listening and pronunciation exercises, I plan on improving my listening and ability to pick up sentences from Japanese songs and dramas. In doing so, I hope to improve my accuracy in using the correct particles and Japanese idioms. [edit] More specifically, I will listen to at least one Japanese song every week, by following さとうせんせい's blog,
Our professor posts very interesting Japanese videos and songs, so I will follow along and shadow/sing along with what I can. In addition, I will call my parents more often and have conversations with them in Japanese, taking care not to use any English words!


Tuesday, October 18, 2011

わたしの しゅうまつ

せんしゅうの しゅうまつに、わたしの ははとちちが プリンストンだいがくに きました。

いっしょに  にほんの レストランに いきました。 あじへいとええました。あじへいの ふとまきが すごく おいしかったです。 わたしは おすしを だいすきです。 おすしの セットも たのみました。 

あじへいに いってください!ほんとにおいしいよ!

Monday, October 3, 2011

Pronunciation Exercise Goal Statement

My goals for Pronunciation Excersises is to improve my ability to understand spoken Japanese, especially to not slur words like the "み" in "すみません”. Also, I hope to improve my clarity of pronunciation.

In order to improve my pronunciation and listening ability, I plan on doing shadowing exercises, several times a week for about an hour a week total.

Friday, September 23, 2011


プリンストン だいがくのいちねんせいです。

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

First Impressions of JPN 101!

はじめまして、じゅん です! どうぞよろしく。

My name is Jun Takahashi, and I am excited to be taking Japanese 101 this year at Princeton University!

I was born in a city near Osaka, Japan but moved to California when I was only a year old. Although I grew up hearing and speaking Japanese at home with my family, I gradually found myself adopting English as my native language, as it was the predominant language I used for the majority of my life. 

Furthermore, my parents decided against enrolling me in any Japanese schools, so I have never had a formal Japanese education. Just this past summer, while visiting my grandparents in Osaka, I was frustrated by the numerous comments I received while I struggled to read basic hiragana books like Doraemon.

This semester, I am excited for the opportunity to solidify my background in Japanese, and especially to improve my writing ability and to expand my vocabulary. Even in the first two weeks of class, I can see that my handwriting still needs a lot of improvement, and I need to brush up on even the basics.

So, よろしくおねがいします! ガんばります!